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Audrey Helps Actors Podcast

Apr 25, 2022

This week Audrey Moore talks with actress/voice over artist, and three-time #SelfTapeMay challenge finisher Amber Stonebraker! They discuss how Amber took her experience in Self Tape May and turned it into a flourishing and lucrative career!
Sign up for Self Tape May at:
There you will find free...

Apr 18, 2022

This week Audrey Moore talks with Patricia Cuffie-Jones, a writer/director/showrunner, and a previous editor of this very podcast! They discuss what directors want out of your self tapes, how to thrive in your creative life while also thriving in a 9-5, and what it takes to go from auditioning for a co-star to...

Apr 11, 2022

This week Audrey Moore talks with Julia Linger, an assistant to the some of the most powerful gatekeepers in Hollywood. They discuss what actually happens behind closed doors and how to use that knowledge to your advantage!

Jeff Pride - Self Tape Here -
Greg Safel...

Apr 4, 2022

This week Audrey Moore talks with actor/musician/cult survivor Lola Blanc. It turns out the entertainment industry has a lot of culty pockets, and they discuss the red flags to look out for.
Jeff Pride - Self Tape Here -
Greg Safel - Voice Lessons and Singing...